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WNS Asks For Your Feedback! (Puroresu, MMA/Boxing, etc.)

Posted By: Caylon Knox on Aug 07, 2017

WNS Asks For Your Feedback! (Puroresu, MMA/Boxing, etc.)

As our readers have seen over the past few days, we've been making more of an effort to diversify our posts here on WNS. Instead of simply focusing on WWE and American professional wrestling, we're looking to post more international wrestling items concerning Japanese Puroresu, European wrestling, Mexican Lucha Libre, etc., as well as other combat sport topics involving MMA, boxing, etc.

As was expected, we've noticed that although most of our readers enjoy seeing international professional wrestling news items, some of our readers are not particularly interested in the other combat sport items (MMA/boxing). We understand that some of our readers are simply not fans of the other combat sports, while some of our readers who do follow MMA/boxing feel as though our site should be strictly devoted to professional wrestling.

So now we would like to ask you directly for your feedback. Do you enjoy seeing the crossover news items or would you rather us just stick with professional wrestling items? And with the professional wrestling items, do you have any suggestions about certain areas that you would like for us to try to post more about, such as maybe Mexican Lucha Libre or European wrestling?

We would very much like to hear from you so that way we can try to make WNS even better for all of our devoted readers. Please tell us what you think about our recent posts. Do you enjoy seeing more independent/international wrestling items? Do you enjoy seeing MMA/boxing items? Please let us know what you think!

Please feel free to give us feedback on Facebook and Twitter as well!

Tags: #wns #wrestling news source

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